And nothing else matters..


Thursday, September 08, 2005

a table for three please?

O.K. imagine this..
you walk into a restaurant.. not a mediocre one.. but a good one, where the eclectic category of waiters would be wearing felicitous ties with full-sleeved shirts.. and the ally would'nt be deprived of uniforms too..

so, you enter there with your chin - high, head - a lil bent towards the ceiling.. looking around with a facade of eminence at everyone.. you can smell the pleasant air freshner.. the soft jazz. playing in just the right volume...the fresh lilies meticulously placed in the centre of the tables...the dimly lit place with an elegance so spectacular! you then adjust your dupatta with style.. (ok, for guys we can hv the ties/collars) .. and then look around for the guy who would come to attend you.

one 'slightly' good-looking guy with all-smiles , walks towards you with a pen in hand .. and smiles at you.. (ofcourse you assume, he is hiding that scratch pad to take down your orders too...) .. you smile back at him and then lean a little forward.. and utter the very obvious..."a table for three please?"

he moves a step behind.. his winsome smile seems to vanish in the aroma of "sambhar" n "idli" you are dying to dig your fingers into!! he frowns.. then gives you the worst huffy look!
then he looks around.. to see if there was an over-hearer ... hehe.. and then looks at you in the eye.. and says calmly - "I am not quite sure about that.."..

You stand there ShOcked!

.. and then.. THEN..

he says : "Excuse me.." and pulls the chair lying next to you.. and joins his colleague for lunch..


i wonder how one can not die of embarrassment!! It is SO god damn funny!!
you want to laugh,, but you'd know that the guy would probably strangle you to death if you dare to show even one tooth! .. you cant move an inch.. coz u are not quite sure which way to go... the lilies suddenly seem to have a different colour.. towards the blacker shade...may be..! and the music ? what happened to the music? why is it sounding so morbid!!?

everything is so so erratic.. and yeah...funny!!! :-D

Finally.. you smile vaguely and try to get away with a situation so fatuous....
you just walk down..and occupy the first unoccupied table u see... and hide your face with ur hands....and swear never to look in his direction again..!!

Damn!! This happened with me today.. and I can still picture that guy with that baffled look.. and cant help laughing.. :-)

by the way, after we had our lunch.. and we were leaving.. he looked at us and watched us going.. i thought it was decent to at least apologize for my stupidity.. so i wlaked upto him.. and said - "Hey brother! Sorry da.. i just got confused.. " :-)

he looked at me.. probably looked at my company badge in ma hand.. and said.. "oh.. no problem... by the way you are in IBM..6th floor, GE.. right? I am from ibm burlington...had a meeting with ur floor manager this morning.. and saw u there.....we were.....@#@#$#$. conference room........... #$#$%$$$@$#$@#!@......there........!@!#@#!#$

the rest of the words i couldnt hear.... i had almost fainted!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...
Heh, happened with me too one time. Me said, "Oh, sorry. They are hiring such beautiful waitresses these days, that I thought you were a waitress too!" She was like *blush* *blush* You should use your kidneys spontaneously i say *taps index on the skull*.
4:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
index finger. typo. saary.
4:41 AM  
Blogger Arpan said...
Very Funny! And nothing really matters hahah:)
First funny then shoking infect!
10:57 AM  
Blogger The Infinite said...
ishmart boy!! ;-)
12:52 PM  

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Who: The Infinite
When: June 4th, 1982
Where: New Delhi, India
What: Electronics Engineer
Why: For the hell of it

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