And nothing else matters..


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

For sometime now, I am thinking of giving my blog a new look.. I tried a couple of blog templates.. and the one which struck me, needs a lot of html editing.. and as usual, I havent had sufficient time to sit at it. sigh!

Today - is the day!! I am going to do it, for sure! :)

Kinshuk is gone to Bangalore today.. His ticket got upgraded to Kingfisher business class, and man!! WAS I JEALOUS!?!!? ! He was obviously excited.. and all I told him was - to feel guilty about enjoying it alone.. :D

And so, one person gets to travel across the country in this 'oh-so-lovely' weather.. gets to travel in the best domestic flight... gets to stay in the ashram for 5 days.. and to t
op it all, gets to meet Guruji!!!!! And the other one ofcourse likes to sit by the window overlooking the lush green garden.. seeing the rain-drops falling .. and 'working' from home for the never-ending Synopsys cores tech change! :)
Ah, talk about 'life is fair enough'..!! :)

Mom's unwell today.. and hence I have the herculean task of managing home and office all together.. It is tiring, definitely.. but I enjoy it.. :)
There's so much to learn even in the art of managing a house.. I definitely feel, all housewives have more common sense and managerial abilities, that can be put together in a 5 year MBA course! I see mom calculating numbers with the speed of light.. she remembers most things without any "To-do" lists... or "Memos" on th
e phone.. she knows exactly what to do when and how! and the most amazing thing is, that she still finds time for her regular yoga and meditation.. and is smiling all day, regardless of any stress or fatigue!!
To put it simple, for me, she is a Superwoman! :) And I am really in deep awe of her! :)

And now, if I want to save time for the blog html stuff.. I should stop writing here, and get on to it..

more later! :)

current mood -

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Heylo!! So its time that I come out of my cocoon.. and start doing some justice to my little blog, which kept me company, when I was not this busy! :)

Have a very occupying weekend coming ahead.. looking fwd to it though!

The thing I am most excited about today, is what Laina told me on the phone this morning!! :) It completely made my day!
It is true... something just sank in..

This is what I smsed to her -

"This is really exciting! :) Its unreal, how everything which is meant to be, happens just so effortlessly.. :)"

true to every word!
So many times, we "try" to do something.. rather than "letting it happen"..
Whenever something happens in "sehejata" .. that's the only way it should happen..! :)
When we force it.. or brood over ways to make it occur, its probably not the right way for it to be! :) So I think! :)

Looking back.. in my life, most of the things gone by, have happened in the most effortless manner.. with me just looking at it happening!

I am sure its the same with most people..
Its all about, do we really trust what the nature wants for us!? ;)

Current mood -

About me

Who: The Infinite
When: June 4th, 1982
Where: New Delhi, India
What: Electronics Engineer
Why: For the hell of it

I believe

Life is ours..we live it our way..and nothing else matters


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