And nothing else matters..


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

serial killers rock!

For quite sometime now, I have been thinking about serial killers and their psychology.
Ponder over it - its quite an intersting topic of debate.
I feel there is nothing really wrong with them. One reason why I think this way is -coz for me, nothing is wrong. The definitions of moralities and ethics, sins and crimes are all personal perceptions after all.. I mean, there are social factors involved too.. but that doesnt seem to justify it.
Although loads of work at office has been keeping me busy big time.. I couldnt really resist the temptation of going back to finish reading an intersting article which I wikipedia-ed about serial killers.
It defines them as this :

Serial killers
are individuals who have a history of multiple slayings of victims who were usually unknown to them beforehand.Their crimes are committed as a result of a compulsion that, in many but not all cases, has roots in the killer's (often dysfunctional) youth, as opposed to those who are motivated by financial gain or political motivations.

I mean, think about it! These guys are usually motivated by varieties of psychological disorders - which is not their fault! They feel inadequate, they feel worthless...and their crimes gives them the feeling of "power". And since they know, that their actions terrify the communities and even baffle the police forces, hence it adds to their sense of power.

Like most other things, this too is a "cause and effect" game. And with all my might, I believe, that this is quite an act of temerity. (although its a compulsive act for them!)

So? Do we categorize them as insane? Not quite. Since Law defines 'insanity' as a state where you cannot differentiate between good and bad.
yes.. "good" and "bad"... what crap!!
serial killers arent insane. infact they are motivated by hallucinations and/or voices in their head. There are a couple of intersting incidents I read about..

  • There was this guy, who slaughtered 13 people after voices told him that murder was necessary to prevent California from suffering an earthquake.
  • there are certain others, who believe they are getting rid of a certain type of people (often prostitutes or members of a certain ethnic group).
  • then there are the "hedonistics" - who kill for the sheer pleasure of it. they have a surge of excitement - that might be related to cannibalism with the dead body, or sexual desires or some simply enjoy the 'chase' of hunting down the victim..

I am forced to think that how does our society accept the concept of capital punishment, but dismisses a murder as a heinous crime??
In both cases, there is "someone" who believes that "something" is incorrect.
The judge in the former, the murderer in the latter.

And the irony! While capital punishment is supposed to be an activity in social favour.. euthanasia is against the law. WTF!

These have been debatable issues - either on the basis of moralities, or religious preachings or social and human rights. Whatever its been... is hard to justify - coz they are mere perceptions...


Blogger Saurabh Nanda said...
We've visited the capital punishment v/s euthanasia v/s suicide debate quite a lot in the Human Rights course that I just did at IITK.

The argument, that you raise - "Why is murder a crime whereas capital punishment is accepted" - is rather fallacious. Or, it simply challenges the establishment of good/bad OR right/wrong. If you keep extending this line of arguing further you will ultimately end up to with the question who decides what is right and wrong?

Right and wrong are decided by the society and culture. In some cultures it is acceptable to kill human beings eat their brains out and keep the skulls as trophies! In some countries it it acceptable to sever a man's hand if he is caught stealing!

It's basically a very primary philosophical question.

As for me, I support capital punishment, some crimes are too heinous to let the fucker live!

1:28 AM  
Blogger Anadi Misra said...
Good points,been raised so many times in various works of art and other forums for expressing opinion...but then, the society is usually run by majority opinion(why so, coz its impossible to have everyone agreeing on the same thing...although this aint a flawless system, perhaps thats the best we have been able to achieve right now).So, its not just the judge, its collective 'wisdom' of the society against an individual. Maybe, in future, the majority opinion shifts towards the other side, then, u'll get the license to kill ppl :D, but till then, just wait and hide your murderous intentions.....Frankly,there is no absolute answer, and if you are trying to debate, then why are u wasting the valuable time of others for something which has been debated for years, without any acceptable solution...just google for it and read :D
1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"coz for me, nothing is wrong."

As a very general statement, it is wrong to take away someone else's happiness for simply the selfish reason that someone will get back at you and take away your happiness. Now don't tell me you don't want to be happy :)

"The definitions of moralities and ethics, sins and crimes are all personal perceptions after all."

Right. But a society needs stability to progress. For stability you need a common code of law. This common code of law will define morality and ethics, crimes and sins.

"These guys are usually motivated by varieties of psychological disorders - which is not their fault! "

"So? Do we categorize them as insane? Not quite."

These two statements are contradicting each other.

"They feel inadequate, they feel worthless...and their crimes gives them the feeling of "power"."

From personal experience, I can tell you it's probably not power. I cannot define what it is - plain madness I guess. I think its origin is in the sense of worthlessness.

"this is quite an act of temerity."

It's desperation, not temerity.

"serial killers arent insane. infact they are motivated by hallucinations and/or voices in their head."

Again you are contradicting yourself.

"I am forced to think that how does our society accept the concept of capital punishment, but dismisses a murder as a heinous crime??"

If a person is a danger to many people in the society and he cannot be rehabilitated, he must be got rid of. A murder is not a "heinous" crime. It all depends on the context. But the murderer, sadly, has sometimes to be made an example of for other people not to murder.


Change "serial killer" to "serial rapist" and see if it brings any change to your musings.
2:09 AM  
Blogger The Infinite said...
Nice ! :-)
Discussions like these, make me proud of my friends. :-)
Good deal!
4:55 PM  
Blogger Saurabh Nanda said...
From personal experience, I can tell you it's probably not power.

Dude - personal experience?!!

Change "serial killer" to "serial rapist" and see if it brings any change to your musings.

That's exactly what I was going to say. Consider someone rapes you brutally - life imprisonment (with the possibility of getting out earlier) or hang the bastard? Take your pick :-)

10:53 PM  
Blogger The Infinite said...
me ponders...
1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah dude .... muhahahahahha ... Infinite, me art stalking you ... take care :)
9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
wat abt serial lovers :P
10:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
BTW Infinite,

From personal experience, I can tell you it's probably not power. I cannot define what it is - plain madness I guess. I think its origin is in the sense of worthlessness.

This was not a joke :)

12:20 AM  

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